Digital Workplace Trends for 2021

Digital Workplace Trends for 2021

Key Takeaways

  • Organizations’ response to change by adopting digital technologies helped them stay relevant and productive.
  • Some top digital workplace trends:
    • Increased need for decentralized technology services
    • Need for on-demand workforce and virtual collaboration between the employees
    • Hybrid working model as new normal

The pandemic forced enterprises across the world to shut their doors and have employees work remotely. It was a monumental change, and transition to remote working took effort for most businesses. But, many organizations realized that their response to change is what will help them stay relevant, improve their bottom line, and remain productive in this digital era.

As a result of this, some very apparent digital workplace trends in 2021 have emerged – these trends have been on the rise for a while now, but the pandemic has no doubt increased their adoption and importance.

So, what are the trends that businesses should be taking into account with regard to the digital workplace, going forward? Let’s discuss.

Top Digital Workplace Trends in 2021

Need for decentralized technology services increases

Digital workplaces are a lot more democratized, which means going forward, businesses will be relying less and less on a centralized IT team to handle their digital requirements. Instead, the top businesses right now are shifting to an end user computing model, which helps employees connect to virtual desktops from anywhere in the world.

Switching to virtualization technologies like these helps businesses reduce their expenses and efforts. While in the past IT personnel would have had to manually install updates and new software applications in each device, with end user computing, the changes can be deployed just on a central server to reflect in every desktop image.

Automation of routine work

The pandemic has accelerated the usage of algorithms to automate several routine operational activities, and this trend is only expected to grow in the future. Many enterprises have recently made the switch from physical desktops to virtualization technologies, which helps automate disaster recovery, security, and updates. In the past, these tasks would have required a mammoth effort from a dedicated IT team within the organization.

Digital dexterity takes centerstage

One of the key digital workplace market trends this year (and possibly what we will see in the future) has been how artificial intelligence is helping the digital dexterity of employees.

Business users already know how to perform familiar tasks like sending emails, creating documents, and storing data on the local drive, among other things. But, given how fast new systems are being adopted by companies, not everyone can figure out how to best use these technologies, causing employees a lot of stress.

What this ultimately results in is employees resorting to outdated tools and systems to solve novel issues. It’s safe to say that you can’t compete in this digital era by working in this fashion. But, that’s where artificial intelligence steps in. AI can do a lot to improve the digital dexterity of your employees with on-the-job learning. This has an impact on productivity and, in turn, corporate returns.

The need for on-demand workforce

Circumstances have made it such that remote work is a necessity for almost all organizations. While not all businesses were prepared for it, they had to embrace the change. Fortunately, technologies like end user computing allow businesses to sustain a remote, distributed workforce that goes beyond the boundaries of a traditional office setup.

With virtualization technologies, companies can hire the right employees and assemble talented teams in a matter of days. Gone are the days of spending weeks and months trying to find employees with the right skills and competencies. As on-demand workforces become the norm, companies around the world will also increasingly move towards solutions like virtual desktops.

Working beyond physical boundaries will become the norm

Given the impact of the pandemic, it’s likely that we will never go back to our pre-COVID working ways. Remote working has become one of the top digital trends in workplaces, and both organizations and employees have adapted to it.

While some businesses will adopt a completely remote working model, many others will implement a hybrid working model. Fortunately, with virtualization technologies like end user computing, your business can support remote workers, without any hassle or security concerns.

Virtual collaboration becomes more significant

Virtual collaboration is a key trend that has increased in significance over the years. There are software solutions available now that can practically replace all in-person interactions.

Through things like social forums and virtual meetings, your employees will never feel the need to have a watercooler catch-up or in-person meeting, provided you’ve invested in the right tools. Solutions like file-based collaboration and screen sharing enable employees to have fruitful discussions, share inputs, and come up with innovative ideas, in real-time, without being in the same room as each other.


Adopting digital technologies to enable a mobile workforce that can improve your bottom line is key. Fortunately, with our virtualization technologies, like DaaS, Managed Virtual Desktops, Digital Workspaces, and Cloud Transformation, you can be at the forefront of the ever-changing digital workplace service trends.

As a partner to leading industry OEMs like Microsoft, VMware, Citrix, AWS, and Google. Anunta offers managed virtual desktop solutions and digital workspace solutions. Premier organizations, across the banking, healthcare, finance, and other industries, are already using our services to scale their business. To know more about our offerings and how you can deploy virtualization technologies in your workplace, reach out to our experts today.