Environmental, Health and Safety Policy

Policy Statement

Anunta strategically adopts and imbibes Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Management in our way of business in a way that is consistent with our business ethics, values, and interests.


We are conscious of the direct and indirect impacts of our operations on the environment. Our objective is to better manage these impacts so that the risks to the environment, our stakeholders, and our portfolios are minimized. This policy serves as a framework for understanding and managing our environmental risks, impacts, and opportunities.

Environment and Sustainability

Anunta encourages the conservation of natural resources. For this, we make efforts to minimize or eliminate the adverse EHS effects and risks that may be associated with our activities, operations, and services.


This policy applies to employees, people managers, business partners, and contractors (temporary or otherwise) associated with Anunta across locations.

Our Environmental Performance

Anunta is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy workplace that is also aware of our environmental responsibilities. We believe that employee safety and the protection of the environment is critical and that all work-related injuries, illnesses, property losses, and adverse environmental impacts are preventable. To fulfil this commitment, our Company:


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