Our Mobile Device Management Solutions

From device enrollment to security and provisioning to application management, we offer everything you need to take control of your mobile devices and empower your employees to work smart and secure.

Device Enrollment and Provisioning

Device Enrollment and Provisioning

Streamline the process of adding new devices to the company network and configure them with the necessary settings and applications.

Application Management

Application Management

Control which applications can be installed and used on devices, ensuring compliance with company policies, and preventing the installation of unauthorized apps.

Device Security and Compliance Management

Device Security and Compliance Management

Implement strong security measures to protect corporate data from unauthorized access while also ensuring compliance with industry regulations.

Flexible Deployment Options

Flexible Deployment Options

Enjoy the flexibility of choosing between on-premises and cloud-based solutions based on your preferences and requirements.

Scalable Solutions

Scalable Solutions

Adapt to changing device volumes without the need for significant infrastructure investments.

Detailed Reporting and Analytics

Detailed Reporting and Analytics

Gain valuable insights into device usage and trends to make informed decisions about your corporate mobile strategy.

Why Choose Anunta’s Mobile Device Management Solutions?

Automated Workflows and Policies

Automated Workflows and Policies

Automate routine tasks like device provisioning, configuration, and security updates to free up IT resources for more critical work.

Expert Services and Uninterrupted Support

Expert Services and Uninterrupted Support

Benefit from Anunta's extensive experience and expertise in delivering Mobile Device Management solutions tailored to your organization’s specific needs.

Integration with Existing Infrastructure

Integration with Existing Infrastructure

Anunta's Mobile Device Management solutions seamlessly integrate with various IT systems and platforms, including VDI and cloud platforms.

Centralized Device Management

Centralized Device Management

Manage configurations, applications, security policies, and access from a single, unified platform.

Use Cases

Securing Corporate Data
Securing Corporate Data

Protect sensitive corporate data stored on mobile and BYOD devices, crucial for industries like healthcare, finance, and government, where data breaches can have severe consequences.

Managing App Deployments
Managing App Deployments

Remotely deploy, update, and remove applications on corporate-owned mobile devices, ensuring access to the latest versions of essential apps, and eliminating the need for manual installations.

Enforcing Device Compliance
Enforcing Device Compliance

Prevent unauthorized access to company resources by enforcing device compliance policies such as restricted access, strong passwords, and disabling features like screenshots, copy/paste, containerizing, camera or microphone access.

Tracking Lost Devices
Tracking Lost Devices

Track the location of lost or stolen devices in real-time, enabling their recovery and remotely wipe their data to protect sensitive information.

Ensuring Enterprise Mobility
Ensuring Enterprise Mobility

Enable seamless mobility for your workforce, including field service technicians and sales representatives, with remote device management capabilities.

Enhancing BYOD Programs
Enhancing BYOD Programs

Securely integrate employee-owned devices and protect corporate data while allowing personal device preference.

Your Partner in Creating an Efficient Mobile Workforce

  • Manage your mobile devices effectively with our proven track record.
  • Scale with your organization’s need with our highly flexible solutions.
  • Enjoy comprehensive 24/7 support for the help you need, whenever you need it.
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