Emulating UAE’s Cybersecurity Success: A DaaS Roadmap for Telecom Service Providers

Emulating UAE’s Cybersecurity Success: A DaaS Roadmap for Telecom Service Providers

When it comes to cyberthreats and ransomware attacks, we are accustomed to seeing alarming numbers. So, the numbers from the UAE would come as a most welcome surprise.

In the first quarter of this year, the UAE government announced that ransomware attacks in the nation declined by more than 70% compared with the same period a year ago. They owe their cyber resilience to their enhanced cyber awareness and compliance policies, along with dedicated investments in improving their IT infrastructure.

Check Point report published earlier in the year says that “1 in 31 organizations worldwide experienced a ransomware attack weekly over the first quarter of 2023”. Set against this backdrop of constantly increasing cyberthreats, the UAE numbers are too good to be true. And it is not only true but also a great example to follow.

The UAE Government has done a commendable job at keeping malicious threats at bay; they prevent more than 50,000 attacks each day. But with ransomware and other cybersecurity threats evolving at an alarming rate, organizations should never let their guard down. Every organization, especially telecom service providers, must fortify their cybersecurity posture by leveraging secure and compliant technologies.

One example is Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS).

DaaS to Defend Against Cyber Threats

In an ever-evolving cyber threat landscape, being cyber compliant and investing in the right technology is the first step towards protection. With Desktop-as-a-Service, you have the goodness of both combined in one!

In an era of heightened risks, the telecom industry needs a game-changing technology to enhance their cyber resilience. In my previous article, I explored how DaaS can be the differentiator for telco service providers in an increasingly competitive landscape. This same transformative technology is once again the ideal tool to safeguard your digital future. Here’s how.

Enhanced Security Features

One of the most compelling attributes of DaaS is its arsenal of enhanced security features.

Centralized Management: With DaaS, you gain the ability to manage desktops from a single, centralized point. This makes it easier to enforce consistent security policies and deploy critical updates across all endpoints.

Data Isolation: In DaaS, sensitive data is stored in secure data centers, substantially reducing the risk of data loss resulting from local device breaches.

Patch Management: DaaS providers take charge of patch management, ensuring that operating systems and software are constantly updated with the latest security patches to shield against emerging threats.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): DaaS solutions typically support Multi-Factor Authentication, adding an extra layer of security to user logins and making it harder for malicious actors to gain access.

End-User Device Independence: DaaS allows users to access their desktops from any device with an internet connection, including mobile phones, reducing reliance on potentially vulnerable local devices and enhancing overall security.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Cyber resilience isn’t just about preventing attacks; it’s also about effectively responding to them. DaaS plays a pivotal role here as well:

Data Backup: DaaS providers offer robust data backup and recovery solutions, ensuring that critical data remains protected even in the event of a cyberattack.

Quick Desktop Provisioning: In the face of hardware failures or cyber incidents, DaaS can rapidly provision new virtual desktops, minimizing downtime and maintaining business continuity.

Scalability and Flexibility

DaaS excels in helping your business adapt to your changing needs without a delay in time or increase in cost.

Scaling Resources: DaaS enables you to scale your desktop infrastructure up or down as needed, accommodating fluctuations in workforce size, or changing business requirements.

Geographical Flexibility: DaaS empowers remote and mobile workforces, allowing employees to work securely from anywhere. This flexibility proves invaluable, especially in times of crisis.

Meeting Compliance and Regulations

For organizations in regulated industries, compliance is a non-negotiable aspect of their operations. DaaS providers often adhere to industry-specific compliance standards and regulations, facilitating adherence to these requirements.

Build a Resilient Future with Anunta’s DaaS

DaaS providers, like Anunta, are not just technology vendors; they are cybersecurity experts. We bring dedicated teams and resources focused on security, offering you access to the latest expertise and best practices in the field.

At Anunta, we stand at the forefront of DaaS innovation, offering not just a service but a strategic partnership dedicated to fortifying your cyber defenses. DesktopReady, our packaged DaaS offering, integrates best-in-class technology platforms, products, and a comprehensive set of services, and most importantly, is a cost-effective plug-and-play solution.

Anunta is an SOC2 attested ISO/IEC 27001 certified organization. Our commitment to enhanced security, seamless scalability, expert support, and compliance adherence ensures that your organization can thrive in a secure, flexible, and compliant digital environment.

If I have sparked your curiosity on how DaaS – especially in partnership with Anunta – can make you a cyber resilient organization, drop a line at marketing@anuntatech.com and someone from my team will reach out to you.


Rajkumar Solomons
Rajkumar Solomons

Rajkumar Solomons is Chief Strategic Alliances - Solomons is a seasoned professional with over 22 years of experience in IT/ITeS, Telecom, BFSI, Education, Travel & Transportation Domain. He has a proven track record in Business Leadership, Digital Transformation and Acceleration, Consulting Practice Development, Digital Marketing and Cloud Channel Development. In his previous role, Solomons was the CEO of the Telecom Cloud Business in the MEA region for G7 CR and Director – Partner Marketing and Business Development at Microsoft before G7 CR. His Microsoft stint spanned over a decade, where he played an instrumental role in landing the global blueprint for the largest Cloud Channel. He has built strategic partnerships across Telcos, GSIs & MSPs to accelerate business transformation for customers. Prior to Microsoft, he has worked at KPMG, building IT Strategy and Cloud Consulting Practice amongst various other things. Solomons has an MBA in marketing and has a bachelor’s degree in engineering (Electronics).