Top 6 Benefits of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Workspace

Top 6 Benefits of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Workspace

Remote working technologies are one of the many things that gained popularity during the coronavirus pandemic like (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) but have remained popular even after the pandemic has passed.

During this spell, the business world, particularly the IT sector, invested in and experimented with various novel technology solutions to keep the business running. One example of such a technology is Virtual Desktop Infrastructure or VDI.

The demand for VDI is growing rapidly as more IT organizations are embracing this novel technology. But what are the reasons behind VDI’s growing popularity, or what benefits does VDI provide?

This blog lists the 6 benefits of VDI workspace. But first, let’s take a quick look at the VDI definition.

What is (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) VDI?

VDI, or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, is a type of desktop virtualization in which desktop environments are hosted centrally on a server. In layman’s terms, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is a technology that creates a simulated work environment using a company’s on-premises servers. This can be accessed by users working in the office or remotely via a network connection.

6 Key Benefits of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Workspace

VDI benefits organizations and users in several ways, from improving user mobility to lowering maintenance costs. Let’s take a closer look at each of the 6 advantages of the VDI workspace.

1. Enhanced User Mobility

As more and more IT organizations are shifting to a hybrid work model or remote working, the need for technology that allows end-users or employees to easily access resources (applications) or helps them stay connected with the rest of the team is increasing simultaneously.

Fortunately, VDI can help you achieve this requirement since it is hosted virtually.

Thanks to VDI, remote workers can easily access their systems from anywhere, at any time, regardless of time or location. End users do not need to worry about configuration, system version, or other technical issues.

Simply put, if you have a stable internet connection and a device (laptop, PC, tablet, or mobile phone), you can access your system and have the same experience as your local PC. 

2. On-demand Scalability

Another significant advantage that VDI workspaces enjoy by embracing VDI technology is easy scalability.

Assume you’ve just started your company and have a staff of about 15 people. After a while, say 6 months, your company grows, and you hire 10 more workers to manage projects. So, you also purchased 10 more systems. Unfortunately, due to the recession, you will have to lay off 5 employees after 6 months. What about the systems you’ve purchased? You will have to keep them idle as they are now of no use.

However, if you have been using VDI from the beginning, you will not be in this situation. VDI enables organizations to quickly scale up or scale down resources, i.e., virtual machines, as per the changing needs.

Furthermore, you will be required to pay only for the license/subscription you are currently using. This will not only allow you to meet infrastructure needs instantly, but it will also save you money.

3. Improved Data Security

Data security is becoming a pressing issue for organizations from all industries with every passing day. As hackers and cyber-attackers are becoming more sophisticated, it is more important than ever to stay one step ahead of them in order to protect your data and brand reputation.

In traditional IT architecture, there are multiple endpoints. This also means a greater number of entry gates for cyber intruders. With VDI, however, you can reduce the number of entry points to one — only the server.

Not to mention that the server is often protected by several security protocols that are difficult to violate.

Besides that, VDI allows you to configure each virtual machine exactly how you want it. Furthermore, Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) is protected by several advanced security protocols, which further increases the safety of remote systems.

4. Centralized Management

It is always beneficial to have centralized control over an organization’s entire infrastructure since it allows for better visibility and management. In VDI, the administrator will have complete control over the infrastructure and each virtual machine.

This will enable them to manage everything from their end. For example, they can schedule updates for all devices after working hours so that there is minimal downtime and no individual or team’s productivity suffers.

At the same time, if a cyberattack attempt is made, the administrator will be notified immediately. This will allow them to take immediate precautionary measures to safeguard the system.

In addition to that, the centralized structure of VDI allows the IT team to easily patch, update, or configure the virtual machines at the same time. This will significantly reduce the IT team’s workload and maintenance costs.

5. Cost Efficiency

The fifth major benefit that VDI workspaces enjoy is cost savings. VDI helps companies save money in different ways. For example, companies who have adopted VDI technology can save money on:

  • Hardware configuration
  • IT staff
  • System maintenance
  • Operational expenses
  • Subscription fees

Virtual desktop infrastructure empowers you to reduce IT infrastructure costs by right-sizing virtual machines and to unplug them when not in use.

Moreover, since all processing is done on the server, you will not need to invest heavily in end-point hardware. Instead, users can access the system via inexpensive thin clients or older devices. This is how you can save money on expensive hardware.

In the case of a traditional system, you will need a team of IT professionals to manage the IT infrastructure because there are multiple systems, hardware, and applications, each with its own set of requirements.

In contrast, in the case of VDI, there is only one system that requires attention – the server. Keeping it up to date and secure will ensure the smooth function of all other linked virtual machines.

6. Fast On-boarding

Traditionally, new recruits receive a paper dossier on their first working day – an “information treasury” packed with company policies and educational insights. However, what if the newly appointed staff receive this knowledge as soon as they join, more efficiently, and at a reduced cost?

That is exactly what virtual desktop infrastructure helps businesses achieve. The desktop virtualization solution trims the onboarding time in the following ways:

  • Easily updatable: Managers can immediately distribute updated materials and best practices
  • Lower cost: Only a single system requires patches and updates compared to the expensive alternative of updating several independent devices
  • No investments in hardware: New joiners can work from their own Internet-enabled devices, saving organizations tons of cash.

Most companies outsource a major fraction of their work to contingent workers – freelancers, part-timers, and independent contractors. Others are focusing more on seasonal recruitment. Moreover, for many, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) incite the need to bring teams across various locations together. The outcome is the same in each of these themes – employers must onboard load of new users fast without the luxury of doing it face-to-face.

Virtual desktop infrastructure helps tackle these hurdles. Recruiters can offer complete access to virtual desktops and apps which they can commission (and decommission) as necessary. In addition, they can dump their existing virtual private network (VPN) over zero trust network access (ZTNA) to enable temporary workforces to get started in a jiffy.

All business leaders have to do is rope in the most suitable VDI service provider. Then deploy relevant resources through online corporate portals to every user and device, no matter where they reside.

These are the six major advantages of VDI that make it popular among IT institutions. In addition to these advantages, VDI provides several other benefits, such as quick setup, BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), increased productivity, reduced license costs, and more.

Bottom Line

There is no denying that Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is one of the principal technologies that can significantly benefit remote working teams or hybrid workplaces. From lowering hardware and maintenance costs to improving mobility and data security to providing centralized infrastructure control, it benefits end-users and organizations in various ways. However, you will only be able to reap all of the benefits of VDI if it is properly deployed.


What is one advantage offered by VDI?

While virtual desktop services boast a slew of advantages, the one area where they stand out is the ability to promote adjustable workplaces. As hybrid work and BYOD become a part of the corporate agenda, businesses are looking for the right tools to experience that flexibility. VDI offers accessibility, which is beneficial for employees who desire to work from anywhere.

With the near ubiquity of super-fast Internet connections across continents, employers no longer instruct their colleagues to sit next to them in the same office cubicle. Additionally, they want to hire the best people for the job, whenever and wherever they work. VDI setups provide organizations with such flexibility.

What are the benefits of VDI?

Virtual desktop infrastructure comes with multiple benefits, some of which include:

  • Cost-efficiency: Enterprises avoid expenses due to managing many individual user licenses. Additionally, they can utilize a data center’s storage and computing capabilities instead of purchasing costly hardware and servers.
  • Streamlined management: The IT pros can patch updated versions of any OS and application to all the relevant workstations from a central station. This frees them to focus on more important matters.
  • Lesser security threats: All the critical resources are stored in centralized servers, keeping them more secure. Incidents of employees unintentionally transferring viruses while sharing or downloading classified materials, thus, decline.
  • Remote work friendly: Employees can access enterprise data and applications via virtual workstations from any location and a compatible device.
  • Geo-replication: In a VDI setting, data exists in numerous locations. Hence, if one location’s hardware crashes due to outages or natural disasters, users can access data from another.

What are the pros and cons of VDI?

The pros of VDI include:

  • Borderless access: Employees can log into virtual desktops and access corporate resources from anywhere – at home, at a nearby café, or someplace else.
  • Difficult to compromise: Transferring files on virtual desktop infrastructure is highly secure as employees use a company-issued security framework instead of an external network. Moreover, the content on virtual desktop screens is read-only; users cannot install/update any (suspicious) applications or manipulate any configurations.
  • Scalable: Companies can deploy additional resources and storage in advance and increase/decrease them as required. Moreover, the IT staff can manage groups of end-users and apply an image in a few minutes.

VDI comes with the following cons:

  • Endpoint security: While virtual desktops offer optimum protection, monitoring every security measure separately is time- and effort-intensive.
  • High installation costs: Deploying a virtual desktop infrastructure is cost-prohibitive, both in terms of human resources and technologies. A VDI journey persists for several weeks, or even months, thus translating to radical changes for the entire workforce.
  • Latency issues: Running compute-heavy applications, including videoconferencing tools or high-definition graphics, can create latency, hampering the user experience.

What are the 3 major benefits of using virtualization?

Virtualization boasts the following key benefits:

  • Minimal downtime: Provisioning and deploying are straightforward in virtualized environments, allowing for replicating the compromised virtual machine (VM).
  • Lower expenses: Companies save fortune as they need limited hardware and, subsequently, less personnel to manage systems and troubleshoot user issues. Moreover, maintaining virtual servers is easier than physical ones.
  • Faster back-ups: By cloning the existing servers in the IT infrastructure, businesses can create a readily available backup and deploy it whenever a problem occurs in the data center.

What is the purpose of a Virtual Desktop?

The primary objective of virtual desktop services is to help organizations better handle their workloads in a more efficient, scalable, and economical manner. VDI is basically a digital copy of physical workstations residing in a server. Hence, users can access and share business-critical data and apps from the centralized servers from any endpoint device. Furthermore, VDI is seeing an adoption uptick as it eliminates the need for expensive hardware and the staff needed to maintain and manage them.

Anunta is a leading and credible Managed Desktop as a Service provider that offers a wide range of solutions and services related to Enterprise DaaS (Anunta Desktop360), Packaged DaaS, and Digital Workspace technology. Anunta’s team has over 10 years of experience in this field and has successfully migrated over 600,000+ remote desktop users to the cloud. To learn more about VDI technology, its benefits, and our services, consult with our industry experts.