Digital Workplace transformation has put IT and HR leaders under pressure to introduce greater End User Computing (EUC) initiatives as employees now prefer to use their own device at work. As traditional office infrastructure is unable to fulfill the needs of end users, the demand for a digital workplace has increased.

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) has emerged as a viable solution for enterprises to address the demand of anytime, anywhere, and any device connectivity. However, DaaS deployment and management, is a specialized task requiring complex set of skills and resources. It is important to choose a provider that offers an end to end implementation and management of the digital workplace while ensuring secure and high application availability and superior end-user experiences.

This whitepaper talks about how choosing a Managed DaaS Provider will enable your IT team to focus on strategic issues rather than struggle with a day to day operational management

Key takeaways:

  • Managed DaaS vs. DaaS
  • Managed DaaS as an enabler of Digital Workplace
  • Key factors for evaluating a Managed DaaS Provider
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