As a cloud-based service that securely delivers virtual apps and desktops to any device or location, DaaS makes it simple to manage and secure desktops in any location. It also simplifies IT admin responsibilities associated with desktop computing in general.
By Yogesh Yagnik, Vice President – InfoSec Anunta Tech
As organizations adjust to a rise in hybrid work, cybersecurity has emerged as a key driver of digital transformation. Not only is cybersecurity one major motive for digital transformation, but it aslo helps companies take full advantage of the benefits of the cloud, data processing, and more innovative network technology.
Desktops-as-a-Service, or DaaS, is one of the key types of cloud services that can help businesses optimize cybersecurity as part of a digital transformation initiative. As a cloud-based service that securely delivers virtual apps and desktops to any device or location, DaaS makes it simple to manage and secure desktops in any location. It also simplifies IT admin responsibilities associated with desktop computing in general.
The Current Scenario
According to data from CERT-In, which is mandated to track and monitor cyber security incidents in the country, a total of 6,07,220 cyber security incidents were observed during 2021 up to June. This number stood at 2,08,456 in the year 2018; 3,94,499 in 2019; and 11,58,208 in 2020.
DaaS allows teams to securely access critical information and data in the cloud.Since no processing or file download occurs on the local machine, the chances of data theft are minimized. It is one of the transformative technologies that has now become mainstream and prevents data security challenges, promotes collaboration, and increases productivity, especially in a hybrid working model.
Providing an extra layer of protection
While DaaS offers various management, performance, and scalability advantages, the architecture may also be used to provide an extra layer of protection to data loss prevention.
A major benefit of DaaS lies in the fact that the employee’s desktop experience becomes fully virtualized – and therefore contained within a data center or cloud.No data can ever be processed or downloaded to the local device.
In other words, the attack surface of DaaS is significantly smaller than that of a conventional because data remains in the cloud or data center, where it can be better monitored and tracked. Along those same lines, the threat of lost or stolen laptops is no longer a concern from an organization’s perspective. If an employee loses a PC, phone or tablet, no sensitive data resides on it, thus it’s not a major concern.
Supporting Employees with Greater Control
It’s important to remember that data loss isn’t always the act of cybercriminals. It can also be the consequence of carelessness on the part of employees managing sensitive data. Therefore, through DaaS, organizations can get access to analytical insights about inventory, including location and condition – if hardware is utdated or connected to malicious networks and the company can be notified in real time and take necessary action.
The level of visibility that DaaS enables is particularly valuable for organizations to track and pinpoint dangerous conduct, content, and practices that could jeopardize company security ultimately providing significantly greater control to the IT managers.
What does the future hold for us?
In this digital-first age, businesses are turning to the cloud to store their data as the number of attacks continues to rise. Enterprise data security and privacy are easier to implement with the help of custom-built solutions that enable unified endpoint management and a multi-layered mobility approach.
DaaS is now among the novel security technologies in terms of assuring cybersecurity across industries. The key lies in identifying a suitable DaaS partner that provides regulatory compliant cloud desktops. Additionally, organization should work towards building a robust security framework, and policy intervention that can help prevent data breaches.
‘Read the original coverage on The Economic Times (CISO) ETCISO’